Lao-Zhuang qigong   laozh.teawu.com



Appears in the newspapers the chieftan to look person elevation angle 45, after look up is the pate has the problem, Lao-Zhuang qigong founder Mr. Zhang Wuhsiung indicated: The Lao-Zhuang qigong has a set "the turtle crane longevity merit law" to be possible to govern the pate the problem, because of its imitation turtle and crane's movement, the orderly movement pate (this merit law, former Executive Yuan Chair Tang flew once studies, has sent this merit law letter chieftan to refer), also was allowed the long life, it to exercise martial arts method abridgement as follows:

The person sits on the small chair, two lay aside to two knees, the forehead movement carries on according to the following several steps:

  1. Chin of take the forehead as periphery of the center of a circle diameter, upward is suitable by under the clockwise delimits the circle, the coordinate breath, the chin upward when "attracts", chin downward when "shouts", main point of the its breath "thin" wants "long" "slow" "to be long-drawn-out", altogether must practice nine time.

  2. Chin of take the forehead as periphery of the center of a circle diameter, delimits the circle by the under upward counter clockwise, the coordinate breath, the chin upward when "attracts", chin downward when "shouts", main point of the its breath "thin" wants "long" "slow" "to be long-drawn-out", altogether must practice nine time.

  3. Tip of the nose of take the forehead as periphery of the center of a circle diameter, by the right rudder left delimits the circle right along the clockwise, the coordinate breath, the tip of the nose toward when "attracts", tip of the nose toward left when "shouts", main point of the its breath "thin" wants "long" "slow" "to be long-drawn-out", altogether must practice nine time.

  4. Tip of the nose of take the forehead as periphery of the center of a circle diameter, delimits the circle left by left the right counter clockwise, the coordinate breath, the tip of the nose toward when "attracts", tip of the nose toward right when "shouts", main point of the its breath "thin" wants "long" "slow" "to be long-drawn-out", altogether must practice nine time.

At the same time, this merit law coordinates the arteries to practice the law again, when may effectively treat the pate the problem, also may the long life.