Lao-Zhuang qigong  laozh.teawu.com



The Taoism Huashan faction has treasure of the town mountain which a set of Peru passes on, is the king exercises martial arts the law, this merit law, emphatically to under Dan's leads a pious life, is "the kidney" which the traditional Chinese doctor said, but "the kidney" is congenital this, the life root, the vitality sends, the kidney was mad exuberant is not easy to be senile, the life naturally can lengthen.

Because practices time this merit law has many soft movements to concentrate in the waist abdomen, therefore can promote the stomach to wriggle and the increase blood circulation, causes the distension of the abdomen, the constipation, nospirit the reduction, and can eliminate the waist abdomen unnecessary fat. The king exercises martial arts the law, especially can adjust the human body internal secretion, makes the immunity function to strengthen, may prevent and control the neurasthenia, loses sleep the multi- dreams, wearily incapable, the hyperaesthesia, oversuspicious irritable, the hypomnesia, the thought slow, is anxious and so on sickness.

And further because this set of merit law movement is soft, is movement whole body all joints and the physique, in particular the spine and the waist abdomen movement, is once monopolized by the imperial family aristocrats, "keeps secret", actually our country ancient times keeping in good health rejuvenation longevity precious merit law.

The king exercises martial arts the law altogether to divide into seven moves:

(1) Long Toutung (5) Long Hsuanyao
(2) dragon rolls ball (6) Long Yuyun
(3) dragon fishtails (7) dragon to ascend to heaven
(4) Long T'anhai ¡@

(1) Long Toutung

Two feet separate with the shoulder same width, two natures sagging, maintains approximately ten centimeters distances with the body about, in addition, two and whole body the slow vibration, the heel needs vibrates, the tip of the toe is motionless, the thought thought on the body it "the foul air", "the poison gas" slowly "the bubbling spring hole" shakes from the foot, the similar movement approximately practices two minutes, this merit law may govern the constipation, when coordinates morning gets out of bed every day, the empty stomach drinks boiling water of the 500 cubic centimeters room temperatures, often drinks the fruit juice and frequently raises the anus, when may effectively prevent and control the constipation.

(2) dragon rolls ball
Two feet stand, naturally separates approximately maintains a time of half distance with two shoulders, slightly squats the ma bu, two around swinging, and by the shoulder gently picture circle , two hand protects under the pubic region, the right hand when front, left hand behind; Left hand when front, the right hand behind, the mouth slightly opens, the foot strength occupies three tenths for the front foot, the latter foot occupies seven tenths, the thought in the under pubic region, in the imagination the whole body looks like one ball is rolling, the similar movement practices three minutes, practice this merit law emphatically under Dan.

(3) dragon fishtails
Two feet naturally to stand, with the shoulder same width, two first proceeds to extend puts in front of the chest, the control is upward, two in the future will raise again, around will swing, lets on the body the spine also around swing, the thought on the spine, felt spine upward will extend, will like the swimming in the practice butterfly styled same movement.

(4) Long T'anhai
Two feet separate with the shoulder same width place above, the right control first puts in flank of the right thigh, the right hand toward is again right to raises, the left control also to places flank of the left thigh, the left hand raises again toward the upper left side, about two natures swings, lets about the spine naturally swing, the similar movement practices three minutes.

 (5) Long Hsuanyao
Two feet naturally stand, revolve the right hand, lets the right hand crowd the left leg, again revolves the left hand to crowd right foots, center of gravity of strength a foot blows off, simultaneously must crowd the tight genitals, about personally hands over revolves, looks like dances is same, the movement maintains the relaxed nature, the similar movement also practices three minutes.

(6) Long Yuyun
two feet open approximately guarantees with two shoulders when a time of half distance, slightly squats the ma bu, two join the palms in greeting, horizontally forces lays aside to the forehead glabella, the right hand approximately maintains 20 centimeters distances with the body on, then direction of crosswise advancement toward the left side, advances limit of the right hand, again trades the direction, advances direction of toward the left hand, advances the left hand the limit, the right-hand man joins the palms in greeting, about altogether impels nine times, its direction is follows "        " condition carries on. Strength of the foot occupies three tenths for the front foot, the latter foot occupies seven tenths, the similar movement altogether practices three minutes.

(7) dragon to ascend to heaven
Two feet naturally to stand, two join the palms in greeting, lays aside in front of the chest, slowly upward extends, extends to the top of the head most place above, coordinates two movements, breathes slowly attracts by the foot bottom (after thought impetus) the process "the perineum", "the buttocks", "the back", "the brain" arrives in the top of the head, again slowly "shouts" it comes out, after two between "in the mutton smell", "the navel", "the perineum" slowly exhales to the foot under, its secret: Is thin, slow, is long-drawn-out, slow, enables "the gas" the very natural movement no matter what supervises two arteries.